Iisashpíte Hawassdáaweesh - Bunny's Travels (Crow)

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Product Overview

Iisashpíte Hawassdáaweesh (Bunny Travels) Bunny is very excited to visit his aunt's house this summer to eat some sweets. The only problem is there is a snake, a cougar, and eagle, and a wolf on the way to his aunt's house who want to gobble him up! What can he do to avoid being eaten? Will he escape the predators? Will his aunt be able to feed him sweets after all? This book includes a Crow to English glossary and translation page.


The 24 pages of this book are illustrated by Susan Shorter.


Created in collaboration with Fr. Randolph Graczyk's 2019 Crow Process Writing Class with assistance from Coleton Hast at Little Big Horn College.
Class contributors: Velma Pease, Lisa Stevens, Regina Yarlott, Frances Takes Enemy, Nicole Real Bird, Anna DeCrane, Fannie Cliff, Theresa Sends Part Home, Lavonna Little Owl.

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