Hidatsa Level 1 Audio CD

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Product Overview

 **Free for MHA tribal members only.  Non-tribal members can order the book by contacting us at customersupport@languageconservancy.org to place an order**

Hiráaca íire! - Speak Hidatsa! Level 1 Audio CD is the audio component of the Level 1 textbook. It is designed as a companion to the textbook and provides an important aural dimension, important for word pronunciation. Narrated by trained Hidatsa educators, the CD provides exceptionally clear and appropriately-paced narration both from male and female speakers and among different age speakers. The L1 Audio CD covers vocabulary and dialogue in all Units from 1 to 24. Particularly useful for students as well as teachers. Narrators: Martha Bird Bear & Delvin Driver, Jr.

This item is currently unavailable through our site. For ordering information for this item, please contact the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Education Department at 701-627-4113.




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